Kawai (ka-why) means scary.
Kawaii (ka-whyyy) means cute.
Just hold the E sound a bit longer and you go from scary to cute!
But you want to know what is kawai and not kawaii? Earthquakes. Holy hotdogs, do I really not like them! I haven't even had one yet, not really. What I've experiences are likely tremors, and not even big ones at that. My Japanese neighbours probably don't even notice them, but they have me rooted in place, trembling (I kid you not, actually trembling) in fear! It is a fear that is rooted deep in the bowls of my body, and holds me there, on the verge of screaming. I am okay, don't worry about me, these tremors last all of 3 seconds or so and if there was an earthquake, I'm sure my fight or flight instinct would kick in after about 5 seconds and I would make my way to the nearest doorway. I just wanted to share that little slice of my life with you. But wasn't really supposed to be what this post was about.
You see, I've decided to do some posts as picture blogs, of a sort. I've taken a few pictures and don't share many. I thought if I have enough pictures on a theme, then I could do a picture based post, with only small captions about location, some tidbit of info, or the like. That way you can see a bit more of what I get to see.
Don't worry, for all of you who pretend to like what I write, and for those of you that actually do, I will still do posts with me blathering on about things. Just to keep things interesting, and to give you some visuals, picture posts might be fun. This also may encourage you to ask questions, and thus I get more emails/comments. Speaking of which, I'd like to thank Janice for her email promoting my blog to family. I will respond to said email soon. :P
So with out further ado, PICTURES! Today's Theme: Buildings, Structures, and general decorative streets.
Waiting for the Shinkansen, looking out at Nagoya. |
Grounds at Nagoya Castle, part of the moat. |
Nagoya Castle. |
My building, with a little snowfall! |
Woo, woo, woo looking out my backdoor (front door really). |
Crazy narrow building on the corner. |
Little shrine. You see these everywhere. |
Walking across the river, to Ikeda (near one of my schools). |
Mosaic on the sidewalk in Sanada (near one of my schools). |
Covered shopping street, Shinsaibashi-Osaka. |
Nikon shop in Kumatori ( near a school I cover at). |
Crazy building, I think it is a church?? Tondobayashi (not so near a school I cover at). |
Outside Tenri Station at night. |
Castle grounds at Fukuchiyama. |
Kawaii monkey barrier holders in Kobe. |
Another look at the Golden Temple (from behind). Kyoto |
Noh Theatre in Kyoto. |
That's it for now, there are some other buildings I've left out. May post at a later date, if I get enough for a picture post. What do you think? Do you like the picture post idea? Just so you can see some of Japan, rather than hear tidbits about it. I like it, so I hope you do to, plus this may inspire me to take more pictures! Next theme? Maybe food? Ideas? Drop me a line, ask me a question, tell me to update more often...
Way to go Babe! Very fine pictures. I like the crazy building on the corner. I know where that is. Looks like a bright red fire escape on the right hand side. Now I understand your expanation of the difference between scary and cute,(wouldn't want a scary monkey holding up barriers would we?). Was there an earthquake when you took the picture of Shin Sai Bashi-Suji street scene? Enlarge it to full-screen and you will see the joke.
Does Janice know ther is a picture of her on the side of a building in Japan? (same picture, upper right.) keep up the good work and yes...more pictures is my vote. By the way, for anyone who miss-enterprets the swastika symbol on the sidewalk, it has a very different meaning in the East than it does in the West, and often denotes the entry to a Buddhist Temple.
No, no earthquake, just cold. Despite all appearances it was really cold that day, and I was shivering when taking the picture. Guess the automatic shutter speed was just too slow...
I can relate to that! That's why the pictures I took of ptarmigan are so blurry,and sometimes I take videos so the "steady-shot" will compensate for my shivering. Makes a great picture though! Don't know if you get much chance yet to get out into the 'country', but rural scenes would get my vote. (even from a train window)
The "Crazy Building" is... well, crazy. Does it have a name? I'd like to read more about it if possible. Also, I like the monkey :D
So, the crazy building is a church. I sorta knew that, but my Dad confirmed (search online). It is the Peace Tower, by the Church of Perfect Liberty. According to one of the teachers here, an interesting group.
Oh, and I have been to the country-ish, and attempted to take pictures out of the train window. But they don't seem to work. Even local trains go too fast. I just get blurry gray-scale blobs. Maybe on a super sunny day? I haven't been to any really coastal areas yet. But, I do have my camera on me, should I be sent somewhere nearer the water.
The Naguya Castle is my favorite, that building looks soo unique. Keep the pictures coming, I love them. Also love the posts, so keep those coming too :)
The theatre is also super cool.
I like the idea of you doing a blog, it's nice to follow you and some of your adventures in Japan!
Kawai is a family name
Kawaii is cute
Kowai is scary
I am a Japanese subject.
Kawai isn't even a Japanese word -__- 'Kowai'(怖い) is though, and it means scary ;)
Kawaii (Ka-why-ee) not KaWHY...
and Kowai (Ko-why)
Kawai isnt a word at all. Its normally a misspelling of Kawaii or Kowai
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